Thursday, December 15, 2016

Class Evaluation

Some things I like about this class is that we learn about statements that will help us in our life. Another thing I like is that everyday we leave this class with new knowledge and a new view of life.

Some things I dislike about this class is that I feel that sometimes I feel like we are judging people who have done bad things without knowing their reasons. They do something and we right away think they are bad, but we don't know what lead them to do what they did.

Some recommendations for improving the class is to sometimes give us the chance to type about things that interest us. For example, type about your favorite song and why you it is meaningful.

A highlight for me in this class was when I did the right thing by returning a charge I found in my desk.

I feel like I do, do my best in this class. I always try to get the information I need and I think deeply about the statements and what I am being asked. I also provide as much information as I need and explain thoroughly

Yes, I am reading my Life Planning Goals Journal for at least five minutes daily and reporting. Everyday I read my goals and put victory on the ones I have completed and look at the ones I still need to be able to complete them.

I am committed to being a CTR person. When I can I try to always CTR, but sometimes it isn't as easy as it seems and it takes you longer to do what is right. When I remember I am a CTR and I know that in the past I have done things I'm not happy about, but from now on I will try to do what is right. People also need to give you the chance to show that you changed because I feel like they are so caught up in the pass that they don't realized you have changed.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2016


In this video we learned about the importance of being honest all the time. First we see students who are getting ready to take a test. When the test starts a student doesn’t know the answers, so she asks her friend to for help. By help she meant that her friend should give her the answers. At the end the girl tells her friend no because she doesn't want to cheat. In the video we were also showed an example of cheat in a medical school. In the medical school they were taking a test and when the teacher walked out some students decided to take out their notes and cheat. It wasn’t fair for the other students who weren’t cheating so a man decides to take a stand. He tells them the hardship some of them had to go through to get to that medical school and it isn’t fair that most of them cheat their way to the top. He tells them that if they cheat he will tell on them so they put the papers away. From this video I learned that no matter how hard something might be you should never cheat your way to the top. Imagine if you become a doctor, but you cheat your way up, the patient might end up dying. Don’t cheat and always stick to the truth.

“When you tell one lie, it leads to another.”
-Paul Hatch
This statement means that if you start telling lies you won’t be able to stop. Once you start you can’t stop, so it is better to always try to stick with the truth. Yes, sometimes the truth hurts and it sucks, but it is better to be honest with someone than to have them figure out you lied to them. No matter how much the truth hurts or how hard it might be always, always tell the truth. For example, if you disobey your parents and you tell them a lie to cover it up you will continue to lie to them and then you will just lie to them for the rest of your life. Once you do it, it will become easier and you will just lie without thinking. The lie will roll out of your mouth without you fully think about it because your brain is used to lying and it will try to make you lie when the truth can’t be told. Don’t let lies control you, you are better than that, you can’t let your life be surrounded by lies. If you lie and people find out they won’t believe you when you say the truth because they will think that you are just lying again. When you tell the truth no matter how truth it might be no one will believe you because you are already label as a liar. You can prevent all of this from happening if you just stick to the truth since the beginning. Your life is easier if you tell the truth, so tell the truth.

Friday, December 9, 2016

The Sting of the Scorpion
-Patrick Kearon
When Patrick was a little boy he will go camping at the desert with his parents. His parents always told him to put in his shoes when he goes walking, but one morning he decided to disobey and just put his flip-flops on instead. He was walking when he felt a thorn on his foot, when he looked back he saw a scorpion. He described the pain as the worst thing ever. He didn’t only hurt himself, but his parents as well, they were in pain because they didn’t know if he will make it. That day Patrick learned an important lesson that he will always remember his life, he should have put on his shoes, not be lazy, and listen to his parents. If he had chosen the right he wouldn’t have experienced this pain. The sting of the scorpion doesn’t only relate to the pain you feel when you get stung by one, but the pain you feel when you did what is wrong. The pain you feel when you decided to disobey your parents. The pain you feel when you do what is wrong, the guilt.

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“Always Do Right.”
-Mark Twain

There are many things in life that you should do, but the main thing is to always do what is right. No matter the situation you are in you should always, always do right. For example, if you said that you were going to bring something or going somewhere with your friends and you end up not going and you didn’t tell them anything about it, that is not doing what is right. Let’s say you couldn’t make it and that is fine, but that doesn’t mean you can’t call or text as to why you couldn’t go. I know something you don’t hear your phone or you don’t have your phone with you, but you can easily call them later, but at least do it. Another example, is if you forgot your friend’s birthday, but you remember later on, don’t say or it’s too late now and don’t call her or anything. No it is never too late, just call her and be honest as to why you forgot and that you are sorry and that it will never happen again. In order to succeed in life you have to always do right, no matter how hard it might be. Your life and the life of others will be better if you always do right. We trend to do other stuff, but when we have to do what is right we never do it, sadly.  

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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

“It’s better to be alone than to be in bad company.”
This is a very important quote that we have at least heard once in our lifetime. Maybe your parents told you this when you are by yourself or maybe it was told to you by someone else and because of another reason. This quote means that if the friends you are going to have are going to do bad things and then force you to do them too, then it is better to be by yourself. It sucks to be by yourself, but that’s better than ending up in jail or worse, killed.  At the end those ‘friends’ of yours will end up leaving you so you might as well be alone now and not risk going through something bad. Some examples of this quote are: what will you prefer to be, alone at you house reading or maybe on your phone or being at a party where underage kids are drinking? Would you prefer to be safe and sound at you house or at jail? These are not hard questions the answer is straightforward it is just up to you to do what is right or wrong. If you have bad company you will pretty much be alone because even though there are people around you, you will still feel wrong and lonely because you know you don’t want to be there. I believe this is one of the quotes we should always live by. I think this quote will take us far if we actually listen to it and do what it says. It is unfortunate that we don’t know who came up with it, but I’m thankful that we know it.

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World War II

The World War II started from September 1 1939- September 2 1945. The war was fought between two groups of countries. One side was the axis Powers which included Germany, Italy, and Japan. The other side were the Allies which included Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, China, and the United States. The war started because in 1937 Japan attacked China and in 1939 Germany invaded Poland. As stated by the name the war occur all around the globe. Some took place in Russia, Europe, Africa, Pacific Ocean, Asia, Middle East, Mediterranean Sea, Scandinavia, Eurasia, Southeast Asia, and Atlantic Ocean. On December 7, 1941 the the Japanese Navy attacked the Pearl Harbor and this lead the United States to enter the war. The attacked was in Hawaii, and they were attacked to keep the US Pacific Fleet from interfering from military actions. Another event that took place during the World war II was that on June 6, 1944 Western Europe was liberated from Nazi Germany’s control. There was a battle that began that day called D-Day, in this day 156,00 Americans, Canadians, and British landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily fortified coast of France’s Normandy region. This battle let the the freedom of Western Europe. On May 8, 1945 an Atomic Bomb was sent and it hit many cities in Japan. In Europe the war ended when the Nazi Germany surrender, but since Japan didn’t want to give up the war continued. Some ways to honor and show respect is to have a minute of silence for them. Take to thank them and not take what they did for granted. We should always remember them even though we had zero idea who they were we should always thank them and remember these dates.

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Monday, December 5, 2016

Challenges Teens Face Today

Several of the major challenges teens deal with today are, but not limited to:
  • Self-Esteem and Body Image- Not being confident, trying to be what society says
  • Stress- Can be caused by school or anything they might be going through
  • Bullying- Being badly tease by others
  • Depression- When you don't expression your feelings
  • Cyber Addiction- Being on your phone a lot, social media
  • Drinking and Smoking- They think it’s the way to solve problems
  • Eating Disorders- Not liking your image so you try to lose weight by not eating right
  • Peer Pressure- Doing what your friends say
  • Family Problems- Divorces, abuse, etc.

Two major challenges that I face today are being on my phone too much and I’m not that confident in myself. For example, I take more time in my phone than doing something that is better for me. I also spend less time outside because I’m on my phone. I have confidence, but not as much as i should. For example, even when I know the answer to something I’m afraid to raise my hand and say the answer. I’m not confident in my answers and that leads to doubting myself a lot. Most of the time I know what to do, but I doubt myself so much that I think I did everything wrong. I am trying to spend less time in my phone and only use it when I need it. I am also trying to be around confident people to see if I become confident myself. I also try to just go with my guts and believe in myself. Being a CTR person helps me face my challenges because if I pick the right then I wouldn’t be on my phone as much. I will also be confident in who I am, if I’m a CTR person. I can help other teens to overcome their challenges by telling them my story and telling them all the chances I have miss for not being confident. I can show them how the world is better if we are confident and if we just take a look from our phone and see the world. Show them all I have miss for being on my phone and not being confident in myself. The greatest needs that teens need is attention. I feel that if parents or just people they love showed them the attention they need they might not go through a lot of these problems. If the got attention their parents might know that they are going through depression, eating disorders, bullying, and etc. If the parents know this they will be able to help in time and the teen won’t get worse. This can only happen if they get the attention they need and deserve.

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Thursday, December 1, 2016

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.” -President John F. Kennedy

President John F. Kennedy means that you can only be at your best when your body is healthy and and strong. When you are tired you can’t do anything because your body doesn’t have the energy to do it. If you want to do something you need your intelligence and skill to be at its best and highest peak. For example, when you are sick or tired you can’t concentrate on homework or anything in general. This means that your body isn’t at its peak, it isn’t healthy and strong. Now if your body's health and strong you will be able to do anything. You will feel like you can do anything even what is impossible. Physical fitness doesn’t just mean to be healthy on the outside, but also in the inside. For example, you have to be physical fit in your mind and heart. In your mind meaning that you think positive because thinking positive leads to how you feel on the outside. In your heart it means that you are a kind person. If you aren’t kind you will eventually feel horrible about it, but if you are kind you will feel amazing and that will also affect who you are as a person. I believe this is what President John F. Kennedy meant with this statement.
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Health Sciences Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities:
Health Science Librarians do research on different medical topics in other to find the most updated information available. They are in charge of arranging and distributing clinical, scientific, and biomedical information. They are skilled at producing biographies related to different medical fields. Their primary task is to look for books, articles, journals, etc. to get to patients that might need them. It doesn’t matter where that book is, they will still make sure that they have it. They work in different places for example, health origination libraries, health information center, pharmaceutical companies, and medical schools. They assist students, patients, health practitioner, by giving them the information they need.

Salary: $52, 293- $116, 200

In order to become a Health science Librarian you need to first finish high school with courses in science, math, and information technology and management. Then a Bachelor’s degree in life sciences should be followed by a master’s degree in library science. The library science is licensed by the American Library Association. Other education will depend on where you are working, for example the state and the manager.
It is thought to grow by two percent from 2014 to 2024, which is actually really slow. Grow is limited because of budget and local government and educational services.

I will not like to be this when I grow up. I do love books and research, but the medical field isn’t the most interesting thing for me. I do love some of the medical field jobs, but this isn’t one of them.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

"Kindness is the essence of greatness."

-Joseph B. Wirthlin

In order for you to be great, you have to be kind to each other. It isn't that difficult to be kind and you will end up feeling amazing afterwards. For example, let's say you decide to help out an elder by carrying their bags or something like that, you will have this amazing feeling that will always stay with you no matter what. Now if you see a poor lady struggling, but you decide not to help her than afterwards you will have guilt and you won't be able to shake it off. We try doing some many things to be seen as great, but the only thing we had to do was being kind and help others. even though this an easy thing to do we still decide not to do it, but if it was something else we will break our backs just for it. Sometimes the thing you have to do is right in front of you. 
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Thanksgiving Week

During Thanksgiving Week I spent most of my time with my cousins watching movies and just hanging out with each other. Some of the movies we watched were When The Game Stands Tall, Finding Dory, and many more. When The Game Stands Tall is based on a true story and it is about a High School Football team, the struggles they went through, the importance of the game and their teammates, and the coach taught them that the most important thing isn’t winning the game, but how you play it and the importance of having each other and begin a team. Also during that week I did homework from my english, health, and BioMed classes. My cousins (2 boys) also had sleepovers at my house and we stayed up until 2am and we just talked and played games. On Thanksgiving Day I woke up early and watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Since a singer that I like, Jacob Whitesides was performing I decided to to watch it. Later on that day family members came over to my house and we got ready to eat. We ate turkey, salad, bread, chips, pie, ham, and the list goes on. While eating, most people were watching the soccer game, Chivas Vs. America. There were people from both teams at my house so you can hear them shouting when their team made a goal. I also watched the AMAs the first Sunday of vacation. Since my favorite male artist, Shawn Mendes was nominated and he performed I decide to watch it. The last days I just spent it with my cousins, watching movies, playing games, talking, singing, and the list goes on.
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Friday, November 18, 2016

“Manners maketh man”
-William Wykeham

This statement means that depending on the manners we have that defines the type of person we are. If we have good manners then it is safe to assume that you are a good person and same goes if you have bad manners. Before we even know someone we always judge them depending on how nice they are to you or others. This is another reason why your manners matter so much because that is the first impression you give to others. If someone sees you being mean the first time they meet you they will think you are a mean person, even though they don’t know if you were just being mean that day and that you aren’t really like that. This is why you should always give people good first impression (even though those don’t really matter). For example, if it is my first day at school I always try to show how educated I am and I show my manners especially if adults are around. When they see me they will see me as a good educated person who has manners and this will show who I am. Now another example, if on my first day at a new school I decide to be rude to everyone and break the rules that is how people will see me even if that isn’t who I really am. This is why it is important to have manners everywhere you go, especially in front of people who are older than you. You can be different when you are surrounded by friends or family, but when it comes to meeting a new person you have to show your manners and be kind to those around you.
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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

“If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it.”
-Marcus Aurelius
This statement means that if you know that something isn’t right then why should you even get involve in it. You know that you will get in trouble for doing that so why go through all that when you can simply ignore and just walk away for it. For example if I know I’m not suppose to leave my house because my parents said so, but I still do it then I will get in trouble, especially if they find out. I already know what might happen before I do something or I can at least assume what will happen and that should stop me from doing anything that I know I shouldn’t. If I can prevent myself from getting in trouble then I won’t do it. The second part of the statement means to not tell lies. If you know that what you are saying isn’t true then why are you going to say it. For example, let’s say that my mom asked me what I did today and I tell her that I did homework and cleaned the house, but in reality I didn’t. What is the point of lying, she is still going to find out so you might as well be honest to her. When she gets home she will know it is a lie and know that you lied to her, she might ground you and you won’t be allowed to do anything. You already knew this will happen and you could of easily avoid this by telling the truth. We can prevent so many things from happening if we were just honest to each others and did what we should.

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Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving started on 1621 by Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians. In 1817, New York was one of the first states to celebrate Thanksgiving. It wasn’t until 1863, midst of the Civil War, that President Lincoln made it an official holiday in the United States. Everyone celebrates it differently, for example people for are religious celebrate Thanksgiving as a day to give thanks to God for everything he has given us. Back then Thanksgiving was a more religious holiday, but now it is center more around eating turkey and spending time with family. We also watch parades now, they have actually become a big part of Thanksgiving, especially the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade which takes place in New York since 1924. Thanksgiving is just a way of getting together with your family, eating as much food as you can, but most importantly it is a day when you give thanks to everyone for everything they have given you, especially God. The day in which Thanksgiving is held changes every year, but it is always on the fourth Thursday of November. The day after Thanksgiving stores have something called “Black Friday” which is when stuff are “cheaper”, but in reality it is the same price or it just went down by a little. This day is when many people go Christmas shopping because they think it is better during that day.
What I’m Thankful For
  1. My Family
  2. Everything good and bad I have experience
  3. Having a house, water, food, clothing
  4. Having people who love and support me
  5. Having an education
  6. Living the life I have; isn’t perfect, but still great
  7. My mom, who provides me with things I need and want
  8. Getting the chances to meet people that I support
  9. Having amazing people who always taught me to be kind to others
  10. Living in California since people in other places don’t have such a good life
  11.  Having the necessary things to achieve my goals and dreams
  12. Having amazing friends

Image result for thanksgiving 2016 Image result for thanksgiving 2016

Monday, November 14, 2016

Move Forward

  • Stop walking out
  • Stop messing up property due to protest
  • Write petitions
  • Knowing the most important problems at the moment
  • Speaking up about what is important and what we care about
  • Having our schools provide better opportunities that will educate us on elections and our government
  • Speak up when you don't agree with something
  • Forget about it
  • Change the system
  • Vote
  • Get involve
  • Be optimistic
  • Move to Canada
  • Forget and Forgive
  • Learn from your mistakes
  • Make better choices
  • Plan your choices
  • Voice your opinion
  • Be more confident
  • Accept the fact that he's president
  • Stop giving reactions because that's what he wants
  • Voice your thought in a positive way
  • Help/Support each other
  • Encourage others to vote
  • Help your community
  • Accept the outcomes
  • Make people feel safe
  • Equality for everyone
  • Not rely too much on social media
  • Respect people beliefs and opinions
  • Make smart decisions
  • Choose the right 24/7

"Doing what is right, fair, and honorable is more important than winning or losing."

-Chick Moorman

This statement means that you feel bad if you win unfairly, but if you lose by doing what is right than you won't feel bad about losing. It is always better to do what is right than to do what is wrong and win. Winning unfairly will only last awhile, but if you do what is fair and still lose that will still last longer because you will have the feeling of doing right with you all the time. Doing what is fair, right, and honorable will stay with you longer than any reward you can possibly get. Those rewards may end up being destroyed or in the trash, but knowing that you did something good will always stay with you. For example, if I win an award, but I know I didn't deserve it than I won't feel good about it and I will have the guilt with me all the time. Now if I lose, but I know I didn't cheat my way to the top then I will feel good about it because I will always have the feeling that I did what was fair. Now don't think that it is better to lose than win, sometimes you can win by doing what is right and that is honestly better. You won't only feel good about doing what is right, but you will also feel happy about winning. Winning isn't the best thing in the world and that shouldn't be your focus in life, you should always keep your mindset in trying to always do what is right, fair, and honorable.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Veterans Day
Veterans Day is a holiday held on the anniversary of World War I. On this day you honor the US victims and veterans of all the wars. This holiday is celebrated every November 11 in the United States. The purpose of Veterans Day is to honor and remember those who fought in the World Wars, those who fought and are still with us. Veterans Day isn't only celebrate in the US, Canada celebrates it too, but it's called Remembrance Day instead. Also in Britain they hold a moment of silence (2 minutes) at 11 am on November 11, they have Remembrance Sunday (the second Sunday of November). It is important to show honor on Veterans Day because we have to acknowledge the sacrifice those soldiers did for us. We need to show appreciation to them, show our gratitude. Without them we wouldn't have freedom from those countries that where controlling us. Some way to honor them is to thank them if you ever see one, help them out if needed, and/or just talk to them and ask them about how they feel. Something of special interest to me about Veterans Day is that I like how we have kept this tradition and every year we honor those who fought for us. It is special how thanks to someone's bravery we were able to be free and independent. My feeling towards Veterans day is that, I'm very happy for those who risk their life for us. I will honor you all, even though I don't even know you guys. Your sacrifices will never be forgotten! I am happy that we have such brave men who decided to risk their life for us, so we have a better place. I'm very thankful for those who risk their life constantly for this country and for the people in this country, thank you! I also feel that it is good that we still honor them today. I feel so much gratitude towards the veterans because without them we wouldn't have this freedom. Finally, I feel that we should continue this holiday because I think it is important to continue showing support for them.

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Monday, November 7, 2016

  1.  Have the courage to say no.
  2.  Have the courage to face the truth.
  3.  Do the right thing because it is the right.
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity."

-W. Clement Stone

This statement means that in order to be responsible in life, you have to follow these three things. Have the courage to stand up to someone and not let them drag you all over the place. Be brave enough to say no and not let others tell you what you should do. Have the courage to stand up to your own friends when you know they are doing something they shouldn't. Be brave to stand up for yourself and do what you want to do, not what others say. You also need to have the courage to accept the truth, even when it hurts. Sometimes we love someone so much that we don't want to see the bad that they do to others and yourself as well. People try to tell us the truth and even when it hurts and it is just unbelievable, we have to learn to accept it. We have to open our eyes to those around us and see that at times you are better off without a certain someone, no matter the pain. Finally, the third magic key is to do what is right even in the hardest times. At times we want to do what we want, but it isn't the right thing. We need to have the courage to not let our wants be stronger than our needs. We have to always do what is right because that is the best way to live your life. Even if your friends are doing a certain thing you have to be strong enough to not do what they are doing if it isn't the right thing.

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Thursday, November 3, 2016

"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed."

-Proverbs 13:20

This Proverb is trying to tell you that depending with who you hang out with, that is the person you will be. If you hang out with good people eventually you will become good and the same goes if you hang out with bad people. This is the reason why you have to choose your friends wisely, pick the ones that you know are  going to be good for you. For example, if you hang out with the bad crowd you will start doing bad things. You will end up being in jail and even worst you can get kill! They might be the coolest kids there are, but trust me they aren't worth getting in trouble for. Just like you can have bad influences you can also have good ones. For example, if you have good influences as friends, even if you are bad yourself you will become good because they will eventually rub off on you. Now for some people it is different, they aren't easily changed for good or bad. For example, I can hang out with bad people, but that doesn't mean I will become bad myself. I don't let people have that effect on me where they can change me. Hanging out with troublemakers doesn't mean you will become one of them, at the end of the day you are the one who makes that decisions. If you let others change you for the bad then it was all because you allowed it. To make sure you don't become bad just hang out with good people.

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