Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving started on 1621 by Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians. In 1817, New York was one of the first states to celebrate Thanksgiving. It wasn’t until 1863, midst of the Civil War, that President Lincoln made it an official holiday in the United States. Everyone celebrates it differently, for example people for are religious celebrate Thanksgiving as a day to give thanks to God for everything he has given us. Back then Thanksgiving was a more religious holiday, but now it is center more around eating turkey and spending time with family. We also watch parades now, they have actually become a big part of Thanksgiving, especially the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade which takes place in New York since 1924. Thanksgiving is just a way of getting together with your family, eating as much food as you can, but most importantly it is a day when you give thanks to everyone for everything they have given you, especially God. The day in which Thanksgiving is held changes every year, but it is always on the fourth Thursday of November. The day after Thanksgiving stores have something called “Black Friday” which is when stuff are “cheaper”, but in reality it is the same price or it just went down by a little. This day is when many people go Christmas shopping because they think it is better during that day.
What I’m Thankful For
- My Family
- Everything good and bad I have experience
- Having a house, water, food, clothing
- Having people who love and support me
- Having an education
- Living the life I have; isn’t perfect, but still great
- My mom, who provides me with things I need and want
- Getting the chances to meet people that I support
- Having amazing people who always taught me to be kind to others
- Living in California since people in other places don’t have such a good life
- Having the necessary things to achieve my goals and dreams
- Having amazing friends

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