“If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it.”
-Marcus Aurelius
This statement means that if you know that something isn’t right then why should you even get involve in it. You know that you will get in trouble for doing that so why go through all that when you can simply ignore and just walk away for it. For example if I know I’m not suppose to leave my house because my parents said so, but I still do it then I will get in trouble, especially if they find out. I already know what might happen before I do something or I can at least assume what will happen and that should stop me from doing anything that I know I shouldn’t. If I can prevent myself from getting in trouble then I won’t do it. The second part of the statement means to not tell lies. If you know that what you are saying isn’t true then why are you going to say it. For example, let’s say that my mom asked me what I did today and I tell her that I did homework and cleaned the house, but in reality I didn’t. What is the point of lying, she is still going to find out so you might as well be honest to her. When she gets home she will know it is a lie and know that you lied to her, she might ground you and you won’t be allowed to do anything. You already knew this will happen and you could of easily avoid this by telling the truth. We can prevent so many things from happening if we were just honest to each others and did what we should.

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