"Obedience is the great test of life."
We stress out about the tests we have at school, but we never stress out about the great test of life. Why don't we if we should? The great test of life is obedience, I bet you didn't know that because many of us don't care, but we should. Many people think following the rules and laws are boring and they are too cool for that, but it is actually the opposite. If we follow the rules we will live a better life because we will never be afraid because we haven't done anything wrong. Disobeying the rules doesn't make you cool because that is something everyone does in order to be "cool' you have to be you and not follow the crowd. It is easier to break the rules and the laws instead of obeying them and that's why we break them. This is why obedience is the great test of life because it is difficult to do, everything in life that is good doesn't come easy. You can easily break a law and you may feel great about it, but after those minutes of pride pass by you will feel horrible and guilty. You will still do it because it is easy, if you parents ask you to do something you won't do it because nowadays it isn't "awesome" to do good. If you pass the great test of life you will live a better life and I get breaking the rules may be fun, but you shouldn't do it all the time, it gets old and boring after awhile.

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