"Choosing the right is always the right thing to do."
Alex means that you will never feel bad or wrong about doing what is correct because it is the right thing to do. For example if I treat others with respect and kindness then I will feel great because it was the right thing to do. If I choose the wrong then there is no way in the world that I will feel good about it because I know I did wrong no matter what I say to convince myself. For example one day I helped someone out because no one else did and I felt great about it afterwards, even if they didn't thank me. I don't need to be thanked because I know what I did was right and that feeling is all I need to be proud of myself. Some people might say what is the point of doing what is right when no one else does it, but it doesn't matter. We shouldn't follow what people do, for example if they jump of a cliff we aren't going to do that, so why would we follow people when they do what is wrong. In a TV show that I watch the little boy went to clean the beach because he found out that it was dirty. When he came back his sister asked him why he cleaned it when people don't care and are just going to throw trash again. The kid was confused, he didn't understand why people will throw trash in the beach, but then his mom said that it didn't matter if others didn't care because he did what was right and that is what matters. He was part of trying to make this world a better part and that is what is important. This TV show was Girl Meets World, episode "Girl Meets The Real World."

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