Friday, September 30, 2016
Emergency Medical Technician
Duties and Responsibilities: Your duty as an EMT depends on the level you are in. The higher your level is the more responsibilities you will have. For example if you are in the Basic Level your duties are controlling bleeding, bandaging injuries, splinting broken bones, and using AEDs. The next level is intermediate and in this level your duties are cardiac monitoring, administering IV treatment, and performing advanced airway techniques along with the duties of the basic level. The final and highest level is paramedic and your duties are evaluating medical records, providing blood transfusion, and performing nasogastric intubation along with the jobs of the basic and intermediate level.
Salary: $32,495- $41,340
Education: Some states ask you to take a certificate program in EMT training in order to quality in state or national state exams. Basic and intermediate training can be completed in about 6 months, but paramedic training takes up to 1-2 years to complete. You also need a license to be able to work in a state, but depending in the state you may also need to take a certification through NREMT plus the state board certification. Once you have your license you need to earn continuing education credits to maintain your credentials.
Demand: The increase in accidents, car crashes, natural disasters, and etc will continue to rise the demand for EMT. EMT are the ones who are always there when there is an accident and people are becoming more careless so the demand is growing.
Reflection: EMT are always there when there is an emergency and thanks to them we get to hospital before anything bad happens to us. They are the ones who make sure we are ok and don’t die. Their job is very important and we really need them. I wouldn’t be one, I will like to be one, but I wouldn’t go for that career. I just don’t like it that much to actually decide to become one.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
"Before you forgive others, you have to forgive yourself"
-Judith Navarrete
I created this quote using outside knowledge and other stuff I have heard before. This quote means that you won't be able to forgive others if you still hold yourself accountable for something. For example, in "Girl Meets World" (a TV show) there was an episode called 'The Forgiveness Project' and it was about how the characters had to forgive someone who hurt them before. One of the character decided to write to her dad who left her when she was younger to tell him she wants to talk to him. He comes and tells her why he left, but she just couldn't forgive him because he hurt her too much and made her feel like she wasn't as special. She tells her teacher that she couldn't forgive her dad so she failed the project, but the teacher tells her that that was never the point of the project. She asks him what was the point and he said, "Did you forgive yourself?" The reason why he made her talk to her dad was because she blamed herself, she thought the reason her dad left was because of her, so he wanted her to find out his reasons so she won't feel like that anymore. This is what inspired this quote, I thought it was a valuable lesson that everyone should know about. You can't go around forgiving others when you don't forgive yourself. What is the point of forgiving when you can't even do it yourself? It is important to forgive others, but it is more important to forgive yourself. You feel better after forgiving someone, but you will feel much better after you forgive yourself and understand that you do mistakes and that some things are out of your control. You are never to blame for something out of you control, you can't control and fix everything in life. Stuff happen and that is life, you can't stop it for happening.
Ear Nose Throat Doctor
Duties and Responsibilities:
This profession is called Otolaryngologists and they treat and diagnose diseases related to the ear, nose, and throat. They are trained in both the medical and surgical treatment of hearing loss, ear infections, balance disorders, ear noise (tinnitus), and some cranial nerve disorders. One of the primary skills of Otolaryngologists is the care of nasal cavity and sinuses. This includes allergies, smell disorders, polyps, and nasal obstruction. They also manage diseases related to the throat, larynx (voice box), and esophagus, including voice and swallowing disorders.
Salary: $200,000- $400,000
They have to complete 15 years of training, including 4 years of undergraduate program, 4 years of medical program, at least 5 years of speciality training, and a 1-2 years of residency program. Then they have to pass written and oral exams administered by American Board of Otolaryngologist. The Board Certificate only lasts 10 years so to get it again you need to meet the requirements. After the Board Certificate they need 1-2 years of fellowship for extensive training.
The demand for Otolaryngologists are high and expected to increase. They are also one of the highest paid in the medical career.
The medical career of the ear, nose, and throat doctor is very important and highly demand for. In my opinion I wouldn’t like to be an otolaryngologist. I believe all medical profession is important, but I don’t have my mindset in those career so I don’t find it as interesting like the teaching career.
Monday, September 26, 2016
David Bednar states, “Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy.” He means that in order to be happy you have to follow the rules and do as you are told (of course only if it’s the right thing to do). For example, if you are obedient then you will live happy because you have nothing to worry about because you haven’t done anything bad. When I am obedient I feel happy and I get rewarded and everyone wants that. All you have to do is be obedient and you will get something you want or/and need. You shouldn’t just be obedient to get something out of it, though, you should also be obedient because it will make you feel better as a person. You get rewarded, but your mind shouldn’t be set on what material you get. Instead it should be set on what you get in the inside; happiness and love. When we disobey the rules we aren’t happy no matter what you might tell yourself, you know you did wrong and you know you feel bad, don’t try to pretend like you don’t. So by disobeying we get unnecessary stress and we worry when we could've easily just do what was right and be happy. Why do what is wrong if you know you will feel bad afterwards?? Just be obedient and you will see how happy you become!!
LAUSD Students Service
- LAUSD give us the help we need to graduate, go to college, and have the career we want
- They teach us and improve our critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, collaboration, and creativity skills
- They want us to learn new things and change our world with our knowledge
- Provide us with the information we need to get to the college we want (A-G Requirements)
- Offer summer and after school programs and tutoring to help us on something we don't understand
- Give us opportunities to accomplished our dreams no matter your background
- Make sure we feel safe in school
- Give us scholarships and pay for our school
- Help those in need
I think LAUSD has many services that help students achieve their lifetime goals. For example knowing about the A-G requirements is very helpful for me because that way I know what colleges look for and what I should do to get to the college I want. Providing us with a safe environment is good because we can't do well if we are worrying about someone doing something to us. Giving scholarships and paying stuff for us is extremely helpful because that way people who can't pay to go to college, but want to go to college can go because they are paying. All of theses things related to me and pretty much every one in this community.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
"Choosing the right is always the right thing to do."
Alex means that you will never feel bad or wrong about doing what is correct because it is the right thing to do. For example if I treat others with respect and kindness then I will feel great because it was the right thing to do. If I choose the wrong then there is no way in the world that I will feel good about it because I know I did wrong no matter what I say to convince myself. For example one day I helped someone out because no one else did and I felt great about it afterwards, even if they didn't thank me. I don't need to be thanked because I know what I did was right and that feeling is all I need to be proud of myself. Some people might say what is the point of doing what is right when no one else does it, but it doesn't matter. We shouldn't follow what people do, for example if they jump of a cliff we aren't going to do that, so why would we follow people when they do what is wrong. In a TV show that I watch the little boy went to clean the beach because he found out that it was dirty. When he came back his sister asked him why he cleaned it when people don't care and are just going to throw trash again. The kid was confused, he didn't understand why people will throw trash in the beach, but then his mom said that it didn't matter if others didn't care because he did what was right and that is what matters. He was part of trying to make this world a better part and that is what is important. This TV show was Girl Meets World, episode "Girl Meets The Real World."

Duties and Responsibilities:
Dermatologists are doctors who treat illness related to your skin, hair, and nails. They refer patients to other specialists if needed and also recommended diagnostic tests depending on patient's’ health history. If needed they might give patients cosmetic procedures such as liposuction, laser resurfacing, and microdermabrasion. Some of the diagnostic tests they might order patients to take are x-rays, microbiologic, and endocrinologic tests. They do skin surgery to improve appearance, make diagnose, and prevent cancer. Finally, they diagnose acne, skin cancer, and anything else related to your skin.
Salary: $81,972- $315,780 (women get paid less than men though, sadly)
In order to become a dermatologist you need 2-4 years of prerequisite college courses. You need to take the MCAT and have a high GPA to be accepted into medical school. Medical school for dermatologist for 4 years and then an addition 3 years for residency. In order to get your residency you need to get a high score on your USMLE. For certification you need a Board and State MEdical License. You need to get a license for the state you are working in and that license is only for that state.
It is thought to raise by 18% from 2012- 2022. It is one of the most demanding profession of these types of jobs. This is because of the increase of health care.
I will not like to be a dermatologist because i just don’t find it interesting and I’m not going to lie when in reality I don’t like it. I don't like any doctor career, so I will not be one.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player."
This quote by John Wooden means that you can be the best can be the best at something, but if you are a horrible person than it doesn't matter. No body is going to like you because of your personally even if you are the best of the best. Let's say for example you are great at your job, but you always have an attitude, no one is going to let you work with them if you are like that. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what job you had what matters is who you are as a person. Your job isn't going to get you anything besides money and who wants money when you don't have any friends or family to share it with. There is going to come an age when you can't work anymore and all people are going to remember you as will be your personally, so you might as well be an amazing person. You won't be playing basketball forever and when you retire all you will have is the goodness in your heart. If you have no goodness than you will have nothing. You should always remember to be a kind person no matter how successful you might be. This is what John Wooden meant, your accomplished don't mean anything if you are the worst of people.

Duties and Responsibilities:
Teachers plan and prepare lessons for students. They teach according to the National Curriculum Framework. They assigned, correct, and mark the work done by students. They also provide help and guidance to those who need it. Teachers also record students’ progress and help those who are not doing well. They prepare students for the state test at the end of the school year.
Salary: $43,439- $48,999
In order to become a teacher you need a bachelor degree or higher. Meet professional teacher education for state, district, and state. If you are going to teach a specific subject then you need a single subject certificate. You need to have a state certificate for the state you are working in. Finally you need experience and knowledge of relevant technology.
The demand for teachers are high, we need more teachers. The pay is low though and many teachers leave the school they are in after 3 years or so. Depending on states the demand is either bigger or slower. States with less population don’t need as many teachers.
I will actually love to be a teacher, since I was small this has been my dream. I love being with kids especially little ones. I want to specialize in math because I love math and want to teach others. I really hope to become a teacher and that is what I’m striking for. This is the professor I want to take.
Friday, September 16, 2016
"True Wealth Is Of The Heart, Not Of The Purse."
This quote by Pathros means that you will never be wealthy if all you have are materials. Those materials will end up getting lose or when you die they will not matter. If you have the wealth in your heart then no matter what you will always have that, it will never disappear like materials. For example, if you have a lot of stuff and are wealth, you won't feel happy because all you have are things that don't matter. We are all going to die at some point and having all these materials don't mean that we won't die. If that wealth comes from the heart then even though you might die, you won't feel as the other person who had everything because your wealth was base off good things you did and helping others. The wealth in your heart will last forever and if you believe in God and Heaven then you know that even though you are going to die, you will go to Heaven because your wealth is helping others and doing what was right. For example if I am wealth and have everything I want I won't feel good about it because what is the point of having everything you want when your heart is empty and full with no love. If I am wealthy from my heart then I will be fine and my heart will be full, even if I am one of the poorest people. I will feel amazing because I know I have done what is right and no amount of money can ever change that.
Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities:
Dental assistants are the ones who take the pictures of patients’ teeth. They get patients ready for the dentists to check our teeth. If the dentist needs to do something, then the assistants get all the materials ready for the dentist to do the work. While the dentist is fixing our teeth the assistant make sure to keep our mouth open and dry. They receive patients’ calls and set up appointments, keep records, send bills, receive payments, and so on. They also hand the dentists the material they need while they are operating on someone’s teeth.
Salary: $22,207- $43,631
Dental assistants receive their training through community colleges, vocational school, technical institutes, universities or dental schools. This takes about 9 to 11 months to complete, but in some schools it can offer something different. In order to be certified you need to take either the CDA or DANB. If you have be trained on the job then you have to take the CDA after 2 years of full time work experience as a dental assistant. Each state has their own regulations, so they will may ask you for different things.
The demand for dental assistant is thought to grow as there are more dentists. Though some dentists believe that the demand is too high. The demanding is higher than what the dental assistants they get. Many are hopefully to get more dental assistant in upcoming years.
I will not like to be a dental assistant because they are like dentists and I don’t like dentists. My mind has been set to 2 careers and I don’t think anything can make me change my mind. No matter how good dental assistant can be, I already have my mind set and it will not change. I do believe though that it is a very good job and that we need more dental assistants.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Student Success Statement
"You Can't Do Wrong and Feel Right. It is Impossible."
Ezra Benson means that you can't do something wrong and feel like you just did the best thing ever. Just like you can't feel wrong for doing what is right. You can try and convince yourself that you did the right thing, but no matter how many times you tell yourself that, you will always feel bad. When I lied to my mom about going to my friend's house, I felt horrible even though I had fun. Why? Well, because I know that no matter how much fun I had, I will never feel good about it because I did the wrong thing. I never felt good about it, while I was with my friends I couldn't stop the pain in my stomach because I felt guilty. After it happened I try to convince myself that even though I did what was wrong that I still had a great time and nothing bad happened, but I couldn't because I have a conscious and I know when I have done wrong. This will never let me do what is wrong and make me feel good about it. I have to admit at moments you feel right about doing what is wrong because you did something new, but that is just a phrase after it is over you feel horrible about it. No matter what you do, you can never feel right about doing something that is wrong. Doing what is wrong will just lead your brain to having anything thing to stress about. That is unnecessary stress, that you do not need!!
Duties and Responsibilities:
Dentists are the type of doctors who specialized in oral health. Some of their responsibilities are diagnosing oral diseases and preventing them. They do x-rays and diagnostic tests; if patients have any disease then they give them treatment. They check our teeth and and jaws to monitor their growth. They are more than just doctors who check our teeth, they care for the muscle of the head, neck, and jaw, the tongue, salivary gland, our nervous system, and other areas.
Salary: $128, 784- $168, 621 depending on state
In order to become a dentist you need to complete Biomedical courses such as anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, microbiology, immunology, and pathology for the first 2 years. During the other 2 years you learn how to diagnose and treat oral diseases. You must complete 8 years for most, but some dentists continue their studies. Then you must pass a written of rigorous national and state clinical licensing.
We are producing fewer dentists than back in 1978, almost 6,300 less. More dentists are retiring and less people who were in dental school are becoming dentists.
I would never like to be a dentist. I dislike dentists with so much passion. The most awful memories I have, have been in a dentist. They have done so many things to me and I will never want anyone to go through that. I know that dentists are just doing their job and I appreciate that, but some dentists are really mean and not careful enough. Monday, September 12, 2016
Student Success Statement
"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad."
This quote was said by Abraham Lincoln and what he means is that when you do something nice for others or yourself you feel great about it. If you do something bad you feel guilty and scared because you know you did wrong. For example, one time I lied to my mom about something and I felt guilty the whole day because I don't really lie to my mom about big stuff. When I do good I feel proud of myself and I get all these emotions that I don't know how to control. Many people do stuff and they don't feel guilty because they are used to it, don't be that person, don't get used to doing bad stuff. At times you do good for others, but they don't thank you and you think what is the point of helping others if they don't appreciate it, but it doesn't matter if they say thank you or not because you will feel good either way because you know you did what was right. You can't feel good about doing something bad because you may push it off and pretend like nothing happened, but it will come back to you so why do it in the first place. It's difficult to do the right thing, but after you do it you will feel awesome and happy. I have done good things and I always feel good about it even though I didn't want to do it. When I do bad stuff I feel horrible like in that moment I feel great, but ones it hits me about what I did I feel like I'm the worst person ever!! Always do what it right and you will feel good and live a better life, trust me.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Chiropractors are doctors that deal with problems related to bones, muscles, and ligaments, and tendons. If needed they provide musculature therapy to adjust a patient’s spinal column. Chiropractor believe that if there is something wrong with your spinal joints then there are more chances of getting a disease so they help people with back problems. They also give patients advice about their diet, how to be healthy, how to improve their spinal, and etc.
Salary: $118,551- $192,320
In order to become a Chiropractor you need a Doctor of Chiropractic degree which takes 4 years. There is a minimum of 4,200 hours of class, laboratory, and clinical internship. Your courses include biology, inorganic and organic chemistry, physics, psychology, and related lab courses. You are required a license and any other requirements that each state asks of you, they’re different depending on the state.
Demand for this Profession:
This profession has gained a lot since it started and is thought to continue to do so. Since they also teach people about health they have a higher demand.
In my point of view I think this profession is very important and hopefully we have a lot of Chiropractor. I wouldn’t like to be a Chiropractor because no matter how important it is I don’t like it, so why would I become one. Hopefully people don’t think like me and they actually become a Chiropractor. I didn’t even know about this profession, but I’m happy I do now.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
"The key to freedom is obedience. The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have."
Obedience leads to freedom, even though many people think that if they don't follow the rules they can do whatever they want. That is wrong though because if for example you break the law you may feel free not that point, but breaking the law can send you to jail. When you are in jail you aren't free so breaking the law doesn't make you free. Now if you follow the rules and laws you won't have to go to jail, so you will be free. For example if you are obedient to your parents they will let you go to places with your friends and they can get stuff you may want. If you are disobedient then your parents won't trust you and they won't let you go anywhere. You can still go even if they don't let you, but that will lead to you getting in trouble and losing the little freedom you had left. I obey my parents so I have the freedom to go hang out with my friends and if I don't want to go somewhere they don't make me because they trust and know that I won't do anything bad. Some teens' parents don't let their kids go anywhere because they know them and they know that they won't obey, if they don't obey at the house, how do you think they'll be without adult supervision. I am sure that if you become more obedient you will have freedom and I know following the rules are boring, but it leads to great consequences!
The Attacks of September 9th, 2001
It was a normal Tuesday morning in New York, everyone did their usual stuff and went to work. No one imagined that they were about to experience the worst terrorists attack in the US. It was about 8:45am when the first attack happened in the North Tower, an American Airlines Boeing 767 was hacked and sent straight to the Twin Towers in the World Trade Center. The airplane hit the 80th floor killing hundreds of people and trapping hundred more. About 18 minutes after the attack in the North Tower, United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower, hitting the 60th floor. Instantly the South Tower fell down and caused a massive explosion. Then after the attacks in New York an American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the west side of the Pentagon (military base) in Washington, DC at 9:45am. Back in New York the North Twin Tower finally collapsed at 10:30 and like the South Tower it produced a cloud of smoke. A fourth attack was sent to crashed into either the White House, US Capitol, or Camp David, but passengers in the United Flight 44 were able to hacking the direction of the airplane and it landed in Pennsylvania instead at 10;10am. The attacks are believed to be leaded by terrorist from Saudi Arabia, some of the terrorists lived in the US to help with the attacks.
I wasn't born yet when these attacks happened, but I feel terrible, I feel bad for everyone who lost family members in this attack. I really hope this doesn't happen again. I am thankful for everyone who helped and risked their lives for everyone else. If I would've lost someone in those attacks, I will be extremely sad and I am sorry for everyone who lost a family member. I will never be able to imagine their pain and I hope everyone who lost someone feels better, even though I know it is probably hard. I really don't know why anyone will do such a thing, I mean what if it was their family who was killed they wouldn't like it, so why do it to others. Hopefully this world becomes a better place where we don't have to fight to get or agree on what we want. We can't do anything about what already happened, but we can stop things like this from happening again. We really need to stop the fighting and terror. Why even do these things, I just don't get it?! :(
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
"Obedience is the great test of life."
We stress out about the tests we have at school, but we never stress out about the great test of life. Why don't we if we should? The great test of life is obedience, I bet you didn't know that because many of us don't care, but we should. Many people think following the rules and laws are boring and they are too cool for that, but it is actually the opposite. If we follow the rules we will live a better life because we will never be afraid because we haven't done anything wrong. Disobeying the rules doesn't make you cool because that is something everyone does in order to be "cool' you have to be you and not follow the crowd. It is easier to break the rules and the laws instead of obeying them and that's why we break them. This is why obedience is the great test of life because it is difficult to do, everything in life that is good doesn't come easy. You can easily break a law and you may feel great about it, but after those minutes of pride pass by you will feel horrible and guilty. You will still do it because it is easy, if you parents ask you to do something you won't do it because nowadays it isn't "awesome" to do good. If you pass the great test of life you will live a better life and I get breaking the rules may be fun, but you shouldn't do it all the time, it gets old and boring after awhile.

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