Monday, June 5, 2017

The Ultimate choice is to be a CTR Person - to Always Choose the Right 24/7!!!
We make choices every minute of everyday. Everything you have done so far today was a choice and you may not think it is because you didn’t take time to make that choice, but it’s still a choice. I just made a choice right now by thinking about how to write this in order to explain it. We make choices, but a lot of us don’t choose to do what is right. We agree to anything really fast, but when it comes to choosing the right few people agree to it. Choosing the right is the most important choice yet we don’t do it. Choosing the right makes you feel good about yourself. For example, when you see someone needs help it is easier to ignore it, but if you actually help that person you will feel better afterwards. You also get more freedom when you choose the right. Your parents will trust you more and you will be able to do more things with your friends. Also if you choose the right you don’t have to worry about going to jail or anything like that because you know you haven’t done anything bad. Try it out once and if you end up liking the feeling of doing good then continue doing it and pass it on to others. In order to make this a better world where people help others instead of hurting others then you have to start with you. Once you become a better person then help those around you become a better person as well.


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