“Always Do Right.”
-Mark Twain
There are many things in life that you should do, but the main thing is to always do what is right. No matter the situation you are in you should always, always do right. For example, if you said that you were going to bring something or going somewhere with your friends and you end up not going and you didn’t tell them anything about it, that is not doing what is right. Let’s say you couldn’t make it and that is fine, but that doesn’t mean you can’t call or text as to why you couldn’t go. I know something you don’t hear your phone or you don’t have your phone with you, but you can easily call them later, but at least do it. Another example, is if you forgot your friend’s birthday, but you remember later on, don’t say or it’s too late now and don’t call her or anything. No it is never too late, just call her and be honest as to why you forgot and that you are sorry and that it will never happen again. In order to succeed in life you have to always do right, no matter how hard it might be. Your life and the life of others will be better if you always do right. We trend to do other stuff, but when we have to do what is right we never do it, sadly.

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